Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who I am Thankful for In American Lit?

I am thankful for Morgan, Joanne, and Natalia. I love you guys! You guys are some of the best friends a person can have and keep me laughing in and outside of class. I love doing group work with you guys because we always seem to get way, way, .....way off subject. Did you notice everytime we do that, we end up on the subject of youtube or something about something that was on youtube? Anyway! Morgan, I am thankful to have yet another english class with you. Aside from lunch, I don't see you so this class really keeps us in contact which is great because you're a good friend and I don't want to lose you! Also, thankyou for letting me stretch on your desk. And I love the comments that we make that no one else hears, except Joanne and Natalia.
Joanne, I just met you this year but I feel like we've known each other longer. The fact that your life is surrounded with music makes us click instantly. When we read your intro blog, I was like "Oh! My new bestfriend!" :)I love having 6th&7th period with you. Especially when sometimes we do nothing....
Natalia! I love you! Having spanish and math with you last year really brought us close and I'm so glad that we have classes this year together. We always seem to keep each other laughing even when nothings funny. Is that queer? Ummm. :) You crack me up even if you don't know it. You and Joanne, together, is very good for my health because laughing is healthy but if you laugh for 3 days straight, you'll die so I'm glad this isn't boarding school. Wow....I just got way off subject. Youtube. :) I love you guys (and my seat in class) and I am thankful for you guys.

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