Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow.

I am a Plow. The definition meaning to tear up or cut into. I am a plow to thought, reasoning, and why(s).
I am a Plow. The definition meaning to proceed in a slow laborious and steady manner. I am plow of education.
I am a Plow. The definition meaning to lift. I am a plow to emotion.
I am a Plow even though I swear I am a Pwol. A plow. A [P]erson [L]iving [O]nly to [W]ork. A Pwol. A [P]erson [W]orking [O]nly to [L]ive.
Eventually, I will end up working. Isn't that what school is all about? Getting an education so that I can get a career. But, they kind of fall hand in hand. You live to work but you don't start working until after school (for the most part.) Then, once you start working, you're working only to pay bills, provide for your family, and to survive (car, food, water.)
Funny, a Plow (you know, the thing farmers use) is used for work by a worker. Am I making sense?
A plow (the thing farmers use) is what turns over the soil for a farmer but the farmer still has to put in work because it is he that has to turn the plow. The plow helps to grow the food that we pay for with the money from our jobs that was granted to us from education to eat to survive.
A person is a Plow.
A person cuts into, tears up, lifts, and proceeds in a laborious manner. Do we not?
But what are we plowing?
Don't say society (because I know that's what everyone's thinking.)
No society is the reason we plow but not what we plow. It gives us the stress we need.
We plow Life.
[L]essons that [I]n[F]orm you [E]veryday. Whether you know it or not, you learn from life.
We don't like these lessons. We don't like emotions, bankrupt, and school. But we go through it. We plow through it.
So a person is a plow who uses a plow to plow for the survival of man kind that is given to us by society and comes along with life.


  1. YOU ARE A PLOW. i agree with your pwol instead of plow. that was interesting, good idea! i like the "Lessons that InForm you Everyday". to help you out a bit, i wouldn't put as many different definitions at the beginning. it was a little confusing, but otherwise GOOD JOB girl.

  2. You know I <3 reading your poems :)
    I can always relate in a way
    I think the plow and pwol was very creative of you.
