Thursday, November 11, 2010

No Direction Needed! I love it!

I love American Lit. It's such a chill class but at the same time we learn something. Alot in fact. To me the class is much like a debate class and is an eviroment where your opinion can be viewed and then rebutled positively or negatively. Unlike every other class, the discusssion is not always lead by the teacher, making it less boring. I seriously can't take another boring class. It's bad enough as is. I actually want to stay up in this class, not that I fall asleep in other class or anything, ehem. :)
Mr. McCarthy, is, or You (since I know you're going to be reading this) are a great teacher! And funny! You make the class the chill enviroment that it is and the curriculum is beautiful meaning it's easy to comprehend. When students know that a teacher is not strict and not always yelling, I believe it makes them do better because then you want to go to that class and pay attention. Paying attention = comprehending = passing test = a good grade in the class = your GPA will be good = not getting in trouble = getting to hang out = an abundancy of stories from the weekend = lunch gossip. Yeaa....
I'm looking forward to the rest of the year in this class. I can't believe I just said that. This only being the first quarter, I feel like I've been in some classes for three years already. I'm glad that I have a class that I know I can come to and enjoy. I'm also glad that my teacher isn't old, boring, and mono-toned! <---- Is that how you spell it?
Anyway! Reading being something I love to do makes the learning all the better.
I can't wait to see the things I will learn in the next three (wow) quarters.

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