Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who would Voltaire and Camu vote for?

Would they even vote? I feel that their views are so much more complex and go so much more into detail that they couldn't settle for either candidate/party. They are philosohpers. The candidates are muich more staright forward with their views and make their points blunt. Voltaire and Camu like to challenge view points and they are one to look into the future rather than settling for what looks good in the now. I can see these two moving away from society onto their own little alienated islands. I can't see them starting a riot to prove their points or even trying to start a new party but I can see them disagreeing and explaining why in detail if asked. You can't really make the views of a philosopher relatable to society because the whole purpose of the mind of a philoshoper is trying to challenge the general.

1 comment:

  1. Guuuurrrrrrrl, Camus is with an "s".

    Not the point though!
    I agree with the fact that Camus woundn't be much of a voter and I think Voltaire would be more of a comedian.
    He'd make fun of the government as he has before, whereas Camus just wouldn't see the point of it in general.
    "All good things come to an end."
    Is government a good thing?
