Sunday, November 25, 2012

Classmates I'm thankful for

I am thankful for two classmates, Tyler and Aleta. I appreciate these two ladies so much. Tyler forever holds me down with rides to school and if I want to do something afte school like go downtown, she doesn't hesitate to tag along. Tyler also exposed me to Taylor Swift, whom I still can't stand, but I do admit that I like a handful of songs on her latest CD. I even considered using one for my senior piece this year in the dance show. Tyler has a dry sense of humor but it's humor nonetheless. She is one of the few friends who have stuck with me all 4 years of high school. Next, Aleta. Ifirst met Aleta in sophomore year gym with Franken. We both cheated every workout and constantly cracked jokes about Franken. Junior year we had Brit. Lit together where should we let me have some of her potbellys and kill her iPod from playing Temple Run throughout the whole class. This year we have lunch and philosophy together. Aleta always reminds me of the work I was supposed to have done the night before and if I'm not feeling well, she'll go pick up my lunch for me. If you examined our relationship from the outside, you'd think she hated me but it's really just her way of showing her love.

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