Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I know this means something...at least to me.

Music and dance hold a very special place in my heart. When words can't explain how I feel and when no human can console me, I mentally exit the world and stuff my ears with my earbuds. I find myself thinking about the weirdest things, things that I've heard and never thought about, memories, and most importantly, dance. I seriously cannnot listen to music without the impulse or urge to dance. If I'm singing along, I'm dancing. For every song on my iPod, I've come up with some type of choreography for it. Music and Dance are my escapes from the world. They're both very expressive art forms that allow me to be me and to convey in them what vernacular cannot. Music and Dance have been a prt of my life since I was 3 and life without them wouldn't be life.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Classmates I'm thankful for

I am thankful for two classmates, Tyler and Aleta. I appreciate these two ladies so much. Tyler forever holds me down with rides to school and if I want to do something afte school like go downtown, she doesn't hesitate to tag along. Tyler also exposed me to Taylor Swift, whom I still can't stand, but I do admit that I like a handful of songs on her latest CD. I even considered using one for my senior piece this year in the dance show. Tyler has a dry sense of humor but it's humor nonetheless. She is one of the few friends who have stuck with me all 4 years of high school. Next, Aleta. Ifirst met Aleta in sophomore year gym with Franken. We both cheated every workout and constantly cracked jokes about Franken. Junior year we had Brit. Lit together where should we let me have some of her potbellys and kill her iPod from playing Temple Run throughout the whole class. This year we have lunch and philosophy together. Aleta always reminds me of the work I was supposed to have done the night before and if I'm not feeling well, she'll go pick up my lunch for me. If you examined our relationship from the outside, you'd think she hated me but it's really just her way of showing her love.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who would Voltaire and Camu vote for?

Would they even vote? I feel that their views are so much more complex and go so much more into detail that they couldn't settle for either candidate/party. They are philosohpers. The candidates are muich more staright forward with their views and make their points blunt. Voltaire and Camu like to challenge view points and they are one to look into the future rather than settling for what looks good in the now. I can see these two moving away from society onto their own little alienated islands. I can't see them starting a riot to prove their points or even trying to start a new party but I can see them disagreeing and explaining why in detail if asked. You can't really make the views of a philosopher relatable to society because the whole purpose of the mind of a philoshoper is trying to challenge the general.

Stranger Meaning, Meaning of Life

       What is my meaning of life? I honestly believe we're put on this Earth just to live. All the school we go through is unecessary in my point of view. We all live to potentially die and in my religious views, we go to Heaven afterwards. Everything we do on this Earth is just to make ourselves look better. Why do we care about schools like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale? Why does having a 4.0 GPA matter to who you truly are as a person? We don't need an education to survive life. We naturally know how to breathe, eat, drink, use the bathroom, and sleep. All the vital things are not taught to us through school. Life has become a big competition. Everyone wants to become a doctor, a singer, or an actor/actress. I don't understand the want to be noticed. Why not just express your passion because you love it? Why must you be publicized. Well, there is an answer to all of this and the answer is money. Money rules the world. We learn so we can become some exertise professional and earn money. People make music sometimes just to be noticed and make money. The human civilization has placed the value of everything on money. Whether we realize it or not, money makes this world go round.