Thursday, September 30, 2010

This John Proctor Dude...

Ok this John Proctor Dude. I dont quite know what I think about him. At first he seemed really cool and calm. Now, its like man what happened? Who lets their children go around calling people a witch? And youre doing it to? Ummm....If It were me in this situation, I would kind of be suspicious on why your whole family is calling witch on everyone else. It sounds like you're trying to keep all attention and suspicion away from you which ironically is suspicious...
Let me put myself in the shoes of a friend of his children. Now, me being a friend of these kids who obviously must have strong beliefs in witch craft, would probably not really scare me seeing how the whole town is nuts about witch craft. But, the thing that would get me is the fact that your father is letting you do this. That in my opinion is rude and signifies no home training.
Now, Im in the shoes of one of John Proctor's friends. I guess he would be that two-faced friend. Im saying this because at first, John Proctor is all laid back, not really into all the witch craft stuff and then its like WA-BAM! You just flip like that. Man, what happened? Did you get an epiphany over night or something? Thats kind of weird. Or is it just me? Hmmm.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Response to Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

What was this man thinking? I don't know exactly what this man was trying to prove or trying to say but whatever it is, it didn't do anything but make me think he was crazy. I don't if that's because I believe in the same God but I know differently or I don't know if it's really just because he's crazy. Honestly, If I were a child listening to this sermon, I would be terrified. Im depending on this man to deliver to me information on a  wonderful God and I get this horrid news. All of a sudden, God isn't who I thought he was anymore. Before listening  to this sermon, I knew that God was a great God and that he delivered and forgave everyone from their sins and that if you were good, you would soon go to Heaven to live with him. Now, I have this man telling me if I make one mistake, God is going to hang me overy the pit of hell and let the ragiing waters overtake me. As a kid in this day, I would  be terrifed to do anything in fear that I would make a mistake and God would do something to me and I would never go to heaven. The question that still bothers me is  if this man was trying to scare people into being good christians or was he trying to persuade people that God was a bad God? However this man was thinking was sort of chaotic. I wonder where he went to church and learned his lessons.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

There goes the Neighborhood

Thinking of an example of "There goes the Neighborhood" was quite difficult for me because I've never been in a situation where I've been changed by someone or someone has changed me. But as I continued to think on this subject, I realized that maybe it's not the fact of changing, maybe it's a fact of maturing. So putting that sense to this, I came up with something that applied. That something would be my 5th grade year. My most hated year of life.
In 5th grade, I transferred from my neighborhood school to a Catholic school for academic reasons. I lived right around the corner from my neighborhood school and had been going there since kindergarten. All my friends, everyone that I associated with, went to that school. Literally. You didn't even have to ask what school people went to because we all went to the same school. I guess my moms started to notice that I was too smart or something because my brother and I were transferred. We didn't find out about this until summer leaving us to minimum good-byes. All our friends wer devestated. That summer was all about hanging out with the people we wouldn't see on a daily basis anymore.
The first day of school at my new school was...horrible. I knew no one. Absolutely no one. I was alone and out-casted. Everyone else knew each other because that was their neighborhood school. They all grew up together. I was literally the new kid. I don't really remember that day but I can tell you, I did no talking.
As the year went on, I began to make friends. As usual, I was pretty much cool with everyone but still had that set group of people that I hung out with. We became really close. I could quickly identify the jocks, snobs, and nerds.Yes, there are jocks, snobs and nerds in 5th grade. Crazy, I know. Another thing I came to notice is the maturity in some of the kids. Some of them acted as if they were in highschool. In fact, I can see them having that same personality today. Anyway, being around a majority who act mature all the time can eventually rub off on you.
I learned that the things that I thought were cool were now considered babyish. Finishing 100 multiplication problems in 2 minutes, before everyone, and not having any wrong will make you a nerd. It will also have people all of sudden becoming your friend when they dont have their homework. As a 5th grader, I didn't mind the attention because I wanted to be a cool kid. Profanity was oh so cool but it scared me. I got teased for not cursing.
Overtime, I learned not to care. When you don't care and people know you don't care, they began to want to know more about why you don't care, thus more friends. I didn't notice until later on in my life how much mature I became because of  5th grade. The things that they considered to be cool and for older kids were in fact childish.Their immaturity taught me maturity. I see it as a form of peer pressure. I find myself a strong if not stronger person for not falling in that same ditch. Just imagine. If I thought being smart was nerdy, I wouldn't be here today. I hear profanity all the time now, but if I would've used it as a 5th grader, I would have been seen as a bad kid and maybe even tried to learn the meanings of what I was seeing.
It's kind of a funny story. 5th grade making you stronger.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

All About Me, Indigoe.[Introduction]

I would like to start this blog by first saying that I am not a color. I am no type of blue or purple and I can not be found in your Crayola Crayon Box. Hence, the name of my blog, "Indigoe with an 'E'." In other words, my name is not spelled like the color. Ironically, my favorite color happens to be blue. I was born in San Diego, California and moved to Chicago at 18 months. Chicago has shown me how boring it can get this summer of 2010.To get out of that boredom, I became a model for Pompei Pics. The student who's mom owns the company goes to this school and took my pictures. Her name is Paulina Pei and we killed many hours while she practiced her photography on me. This summer, I went to a camp in Georgia. It was a horseback riding camp for two weeks in Calhoun, Georgia at Camp Misty Mountain which was obviously in the mountains. That means no phone or internet reception. For two weeks. Just horses, hot weather, and walking. Lucky for me, it was fun. I also danced this summer. Dance is one of my passions. I love dance.  I've been liturgically dancing since I was seven years old. Over the summer, I did Ballet, Modern, Ballroom, Afro-Haitian and Jazz. It was so much fun and I didn't mind having to wake up early just to go to dance one bit. That's just how much I love it. Three other passions I have are Singing, Running, and Playing Piano. I've been singing since age three and still continue to do so today. Singing is in my blood. My dad used to sing. I've been playing piano since age seven but I quit last year because of track and school. I now independently play which means I teach myself songs by ear or by sheet music. Songs that I like, Modern or Classic. I've been running since kindergarten but officially started running track in 8th grade at my elementary school. I am a very athletic person, at least for a girl. Im probably the only girl who likes P.E. I was once on the flag football team, but only for the running part. My goal this year is to get downstate for the 100m dash. If that happens, I would love to win the 100m dash. But like everything else, it takes a lot of work. The three things that dance, singing, and playing piano all have in common is music. Music is the love of my life. It is my life. I feel like I was put on Earth to do one of these three things. Its just in me. Especially Dancing and Singing. So those are the basics of what you need to know about me. Here are some random facts. 1) I hate the color pink so much. 2) I'm allergic to dogs but I've own one since age three. 3) I don't think I'm 5ft. yet. 4) In my opinion I'm a really fun person and I hate when people are way too serious over minor things. Often times, I just began to laugh in the mist of their seriousness. 5) My Idol is Alicia Keys and I love Eminem. 6) I got a poem published in fifth grade. 7) Like every other girl you may know, I love to shop. 8) My dream college Julliard. 9) I hate math. 10) I laugh and smile a lot.