Saturday, May 25, 2013

An Open Letter To Parents (Not Mine)

Parents, Parents, Parents. Let me first start by saying just because you are the authority and because you are much older than us, that does NOT mean that you know everything. The world is not how it was when you were growing therefore there are some things you have to learn from us. Parents always use the excuse "I want you to have a better life than I did" or "I do it because I love you." Well, you know, some things don't work as far as teaching us lessons. For example, putting us on punishment just makes us more angry at you. It does not guaranteed that we will not make the same mistake again because we most likely we will. Why? Because we are children! We do not think of the consequences of our doings and you bickering and nagging about how something is going to affect us will not change our minds. You guys must realize that just because you warn us of things because you've experienced them yourself does not mean that we have automatically learned a lesson. We must experience things and live our own lives to learn! On another note, please listen to us! You could avoid so much backtalk, confrontation, and frustration if you just let us say what we have to say. We might actually be saying something that would make the whole situation make sense to you. Don't just automatically think that because we are young that we know nothing! Geez. Ehem. And lastly. Lastly, pay attention to us. We grow up and we stop wanting to share things with you because you began to form a life our own. That does not always mean we are going through some puberty phase. We may actually need you and may feel too embarrassed, afraid, or may not know how to approach the subject with you. Life is not like Full House, The Brady Bunch, or The Cosby Show. Everything is not always picture perfect and obvious. Okay, I'm done.
- Just Another Misunderstood Kid

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