Sunday, April 7, 2013

Something Everyone Should Do?

I believe everyone should be themselves regardless of what is approved and disapproved, what is looked down upon and magnified, what is "acceptable" and unacceptable. Society has made it so that people will feel ashamed for following and believing certain things. It has even gotten to the point that if you do something that is not "right" that you will be disadvantaged or even punished. Now, I'm not saying go around and do something idiotic like murdering people because you love video games that much and you wish you lived in one. I'm simply saying that as far as individuality goes and doing what you love, you should not be hindered as long as you you're not hurting someone. As I explained in my first semester informal, school is not for everyone. Just like how everyone is not meant to be on stage, everyone is not meant to be in a classroom. It is because society has made it so that the easiest and "right" way to be successful would be going to school. As if that's not enough, society has somehow managed to rank the schools. So now education is not enough. Now, you have to go to a cream of the crop of school in order to be recognized as someone of intellect. I say, if you know that books and a desk are not what you see yourself surrounded by in the future, then don't pursue that path. Everyone should be themselves. We all may think that we are individuals, unique, different from everyone around us, but the truth is we are only as unique oas society allows us to be. Change that. Prove them all wrong. Be you.

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