Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Story Draft

From pre-school until 4th grade, friends were the only thing that mattered to me. They were everywhere I was. At school, at the park, at birthday parties,everywhere.
I wouldn't know until I was 5 that I met my bestfriend in pre-school at the age of 3. Our pre-school was about five blocks down the street from our houses, which
by the way were four houses apart from each other. I don't really know if it was by coincidence that we went to the same elementary school or if our parents planned
it because they knew how close we were. But before I went to pre-school, there was daycare. I kind of went to both at the same time, pre-school during the day
daycare in the afternoons while I waited on my aunt to get off work. I remember my daycare but not everywhere there. My babysitter's name was Ms. Winston.
In fact, she still lives in the same house. Ms. Winston was the best and she spoiled every one of us yet disciplined us all at the same time. Ms. Winston;s yard
was set up for fun. There were toys and toys and more toys scattered everywhere. My favorite toy was the small car that you could actually drive around. Yes, you were
suppose to drive the car but being a kid, you imagine alot. One day, I was playing with a friend with the car. I don't particulary remember what we were playing but
somehow I got on the roof of the car. From there, I thought it'd be fun to slide down the back of the car on my tummy. I put the thought into action. I slid down
the back of the car and my hands landed hard on the concrete. I didn't feel the pain until later. I was trying to crawl down the from the car but I noticed that only
one of my arms would support my weight, thus leading me crashing to the ground and feeling the pain for real now. I was clutching my arm and wailing while the Babysitter's
oldest daughter came outside to get me. Once I got inside, Ms. Winston gently tried to move my arm around but I wouldn't stop crying. She then told me that my arm was broken.
I guess she knew because her daughter had broken her arm before. Her daughter showed me her x-ray of when her arm was broken and I pretty much stopped crying at this point.
I'm going to assume Ms. Winston called my aunt and the ambulance. I don't really remember much after this besides sitting in the waiting room of the hospital trying to
convince my aunt that my arm wasn't broken because I was scared. Now we can move on to pre-school. Pre-school for me was a pre-face to high school to tell you the truth.
In pre-school I experienced bullying, the "cool crew" and conflicts with my bestfriend. There was this girl named Kate at my pre-school and she hated me. I don't know why
but she hated me. She could'nt stand my being. One incident I remember is during free-time, all the girls were sitting down on the carpet and Kate was picking people for what reason
I don't know. She said "I love everyone who's wearing the color pink." And I was. Then she looked at me and said "Not that kind of pink." I saw Kate a few years ago and I know she knew
who I was but she never said a word. Okay, time to fast forward to Elementary school. Can you believe I still talk to majority of the kids I went to Elementary school with?
Elementary school for me was for the most part really fun. It was located about three blocks from my house but I still wasn't allowed to walk to school. Not even in fourth grade.
I laugh about the things that happened in elementary school but meant so much to me then. For example, in second grade, my class was outside on the playground. I was hanging on the monkey
bars doing nothing. Literally just hanging from my arms. All of a sudden my friend Kevin comes running by and he runs and keeps running and trips into the wall. He burst his lip. After that,
recess was over. When we got inside, I heard alot of talk about the accident. Then I heard my name. Someone came up to me and asked why I had kicked Kevin into the wall. I was shocked and speechless.
How was it possible that I had kicked him from where I was. I couldn't wait for Kevin to get back to clear my name. Elementary school was where I started running. Everyday in recess, my
bestfriend and I when play "boys chase girls" with Kevin and his bestfriend Keith. We would run until the other two caught us and reverse the process. We also played what me and my bestfriend called
"bunched up slide." It was when everyone all slid down the the big spiral slide at the same time and we all got jammed and flipped over each other. Honestly, I would still play it today. It might sound
really dangerous, but, well it was. Elementary school was also where my bestfriend and I pretended to be sick and also caused ourselves to be sick. We didn't want to be at school so we decied to fake
temperatures. Well we went to the nurse and I ended having a temperature of a hundred. My first sleepover was during elementary school and the girl who had it lived right next door to me so I felt
cool. I was able to "walk" to her house. She had just moved and to make friends, she held a sleepover. She was a grade older than me but then things like that didn't matter. The sleepover was
exactly what it was in movies. We played games in the living room, told scary stories, and watched Bring It On in her bunk bed while eating popcorn. It was the best.


  1. Indigoe, nice descriptions. Its a very insightful and vivid retelling of some of your childhood experiences. Consider reorganizing it chronologically so it just doesn't seem like you wrote your train of thought.

  2. I'm pretty sure people will appreciate the fact you remembered their names from your childhood. Your memories were clear and the overall outline looks great :)
