Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Dance!

For my song analysis, I chose The Dance by Charlotte Martin. I first heard this song when GnD did a dance to it and now it's one of my favorite songs. I never really paid attention to the lyrics except the chorus but when we had to do this assignment, I realized how much of the songs I truly don't understand. Hopefully, I can get somewhere with this blog.
The first verse of the song is:
Inside my mouth I can hear all the voices say,
"Do not lean over the ledge"
I shouldn't look down and I shouldn't have found
That your lips I still taste in my head
First off, I think it's weird how the artist uses opposite senses to describe opposite senses. Inside my mouth I can hear and your lips I still taste  in my head. If the voice were inside of her mouth, I can sort of assume that it might be herself telling her no. The ledge could be anything at this point but since the artist mentions the term lips, I am going to assume that this is a relationship of some sort. So the ledge that she is referring to could flashbacks or her reminiscing on her past, hence "STILL taste in my head", as if she can't get rid of it.
The next verse goes:
Raising my glass to the head of the class
As she powers out steps one through ten
I think I'll be fine if I'm covered in wine
I still hate you and love you again

And see you again
And see you again
This verse has me really confused. She is raising her class to the head of the class. Who is the head of the class and she's powering out steps one through ten for what? Is the artist in school? Is she graduating?
She goes on to say "I think I'll be fine if I'm covered in wine." So as long as she is intoxicated or drunk she won't remember anything that invovles the "ledge." The last line is pretty self-explanatory. Pretty much, she has mixed emotions. She still sees this person again. I don't know if it's against her will or not. The verse all in all sounds like she might be at a party and she sees this guy again and her emotions start to come back.
The next verse:
Weary and worn
Little monster is born
Tell me lies and I'll justify them
I'm desperate today and it's making me pay
For that night, for that kiss, for your bed

Okay so just by reading this verse it kind of sounds like she might of had a child and she regrets but I don't think that fits into this setting. The the little monster could be rumors going around about her and this guy which is why she might be regretting "that night, that kiss, that bed." She also says she'll justify the lies. To justify means to clarify so whatever happened apparently is true.
Whoever dared to love someone not there
I don't need a balloon and a pin
The name of the game is outrunning the blame
So I hate and love you
We're friends

we'll be friends
I guess we'll be friends
So maybe this person she was in a relationship with didn't feel the same about her. The balloon and the pin could've been the fact that she gave it her all and when she found out this person wasn't, it ruined her relationship or in other words "popped the balloon." Once again, we get this feel that something bad happened between her and this person as she says "The name of the game is outrunning the blame." Something happened and neither one of them want to be the blame for that something. She again says that she hates and loves this person and all they can be is friends.
Next is the chorus:
Oh why (why)
Can't (can't)
You take me in your arms now?
Why (why)
Can't (can't)
You take me?
Why (why)
Can't (can't)
You take me in your arms now?
Why (why)
Can't (can't)
You take me?

She's wondering why their relationship won't work and why they can only be friends. The act of taking her in his arms relates to the title "The Dance" where in dance the male escorts the female and they often are intwined.
The finally verse is:
Better stop crying, hello and goodbying
Go on through me, slip on through my hands
You get your time and the other half's mine
It's okay, this love weighs fifty men
It's okay, this love weighs fifty men
It's okay, this love weighs fifty men
So we have another opposite comparison here. At first it was love and hate and now its hello and goodbye. This verse is kind of like her acceptance to the relationship and how imperfect it is. She tells her partner to slip through her hands. When something slips through your hands, it's like you couldn't grab it becasue you weren't quick enough. So perhaps she didn't take chances she was given. "You get your time and the other half's mine" basically is saying here I am, what do you want. She's saying you know, I have to slowly slip away from this. We can chill for a little while but then I have to do. But you'll be fine because our love is strong, it weighs fifty men so me not being with you all the time shouldn't hurt you.
The song then goes back into the chorus twice more and then it ends with an
Ahh Ahh Amen
Ahh Ahh Amen
Ahh Ahh Amen

I don't think the song was meant to be religious. This could just be a prayer or it could a plead for a change or a release from this struggle.
All in all, I believe the song is about a relationship that has this girl confused on how she feels about this guy. The confusion she goes through is considered a dance because when you dance, you're constantly moving, just like her heart.

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