Thursday, January 13, 2011

King still a King?

Mr. King has moved on but has left his legacy along with a 3 day weekend with us. Often times he's not recognized for what he's done but the first person you learn about during Black History month in elementary school is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Why? Because although he wasn't the only civil rights leader, he did put in alot ALOT of work to cease segregartion. And it happened didn't it? I guess people don't actually take the time to think about how different this world would've been if Dr. King hadn't done what he did. We might not all be sitting in the same classroom right now for all we know. I thank Dr. King and his companions for the determination to end segregation and I'm very happy that there is a holiday to celebrate this man.
Relevance to today, well although racism still exists ( I don't think it'll ever die) circumstances are made equal for people of all race and color. That relates to us because we're not all the same.
There's other issues going on now like Gay Rights and I feel as though there will be a Dr. King for this movement too.
Dr. King did not only just help Black people so please get that out of your mind if you were thinking it.
He helped everyone by setting a great example of what it meant to be a leader and equality for all.
We all have something to offer, no one person nor race knows it all.
Thankyou Dr. King.

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