Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans...Are they still here?

I am glad I'm not a Puritan, no offense to anyone. They're just too strict and  contradict everything they believe in. A good example of their contradiction could be the fact that they drank so much beer yet they believed that drinking beer was a sin. You can not do something that is supposedly oh so un-godly in your culture and turn around and try to blame someone else for it. Makes no type of sense. I guess we still see this in our present world because drinking alcohol underage or drinking while driving is still considered breaking the law. There are alot of people who drink alcohol  just like the Puritans.
Another thing that caught my attention was the influence of adultery. Just like in Scarlet Letter, adultery is still considered a crime in some states. For example, in Minnesota, if two people commit adultery whether they're both married or not, both of them are charged with no more than a year of imprisonment or are fined with no more than $3,000. It's not as bad as having to wear a red letter on your dress for the rest of your life but being in prison for something you knew was wrong in the first place.
This brings me to something else that the puritan believed in. They believed that if a child cursed their parents that that child could be executed. Wow, so you're being killed for cursing your parents. Once again, it is wrong but that punishment is way too strict. Nowadays, if you curse your parents, you get slapped, put on punishement, but not killed. The government doesn't really care about things like that. Kids will be kids.
 I guess Puritan belief is still depicted in everyday life but the rules now are so much more lineant.

1 comment:

  1. Will the Puritans..ever think we, the unaffiliated people, are wasting our freedom? Since they've grown up the whole way by their strict rules, they probably aren't aware of our 'freedom'.
