Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Does submission mean defeat?

Submission obviously means to submit to something or someone. Defeat on the other hand means trying and being beat or being overcome, not necessarily as much of a choice as submission. Sometimes, one might have to submit. Sometimes the battle may be too strong for a person that they have no choice, but to submit. But submitting does not mean giving up. Submitting means to acknowledge that your stance in a situation is so inefficient that it would be better to submit to the problem/person rather than trying to fight it. This does not mean you were defeated. It does not mean you lost your fight. It actually is just showing that you are stronger because you were responsible and courageous enough to admit your inability. Submitting does not always have to mean to become someone/something's slave. Submitting can be, as stated above, acceptance. For example, submitting to a bad grade that you does not mean you are going to fail. It means you acknowledge the situation and now you are trying to fix it. Defeat would be knowing you have this bad grade and not getting it up. You lost the battle. Something that stuck out to me was the ability to use defeat as a noun and verb. To defeat means to overcome, but to be defeated means to be overcome. It's just weird to me how this one word when used differently can mean the total opposite of its other meaning. So submission can mean you defeated the oblivious while defeat can be not admitting the oblivious and thus getting the shorter end of the stick.