Thursday, September 27, 2012

Modern Day Socrates AND The Unexamined Life, worth living or not?

                    So I was thinking hard, really hard on who I know personally or on a fan base who could be considered a modern day Socrates and honestly, no one came to mind. I believe that we as a society today have had so much influence from people like Socrates that as an unit, we have come to ultimately behave similar to him. A lot of our shows today have satire in them and these shows have some of the highest rankings yet. We see these things in the media and feel confident enough to say what we want and stand behind it with confidence. We may not all be like Socrates in the sense that we necessarily try to make people see the truth but we do speak our minds regardless. Anyway, I found this example of how Howard Stern was a modern day Socrates because he is an atheist who speaks his mind about himself and his beliefs, he interviews anyone and everyone, asks them personal questions without remorse, and his audience is mainly young adults. I also found this example of Dalai Lama but he wasn't so modern. And that is how I came to a conclusion that we all have some type of Socrates in us. We may not be as influential as he nor do we try to get people to see their ignorance but behind our "jokes", we're trying to get a point across.

The Unexamined Life

                  I did further research on this quote to better understand it and I came across some interesting thoughts. I believe that with this quote Socrates was proving his point. The interpretation that I get out of this is if we automatically assume everything about life instead of trying to actually find out if there's more to it, then is it really worth it? Are you really living or are you following rules? I agree with this quote. If you don't do your own research and find out for yourself life's answers, then there is no purpose in living because the answers are provided. We have to experience life for ourselves, find our own purposes, make our own choices because being told what is right and wrong is not giving the human the ability to make choices of their own and discover LIFE on their own. The statement itself is interesting. Since the word examine can be interpreted in different ways, it gets people thinking, which is the point, but instead of trying to take their own meaning out of it, they go and asks someone what it means. It's unexamined.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


 Indigoe Timms was born in San Diego, California and moved to Chicago when she was about 2 years old. She also goes by nicknames "Diggy" and "Indy" and reluctantly "Crayola" and "Blue." Indigoe is a very active person. She has been singing since the age of 3 and dancing and playing the piano since age 7. She is also a part of the Whitney Young Girl's Track Team but due to countless injuries may not be running this year. Indigoe is the oldest of 4 and the only girl so life for her is interesting. She plans on majoring in either Biology or Criminalistics (crime scene investigation.) Indigoe's favorite artists consist of: Nas. Alicia Keys, Birdy, Angus & Julian Stone, Lucia, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, and Ellie Goulding. Some of Indigoe's favorite dancers are Misty Copeland, Maureya Lebowitz, April Giangeruso, and Desmond Richardson. An interesting fact about her is that she hasn't grown since 7th grade. She still resides at the height of 4'11. Indigoe loves NYC and wouldn't mind living there any day.  She also loves to smile and is very very very silly. Indigoe tries to live each day to the fullest despite bad attitudes, bad hair days, and bad food.  You'll constantly hear her say "Tomorrow isn't promised" and "Let it go. Get it over it. It's not that serious." She hopes to enjoy her last year at Whitney Young and can not wait to graduate.